Aminet 30
Aminet 30 (1999)(Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1999].iso
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Text File
426 lines
;installer script by Curt Esser
;last modified JAN 14 1999
;nah, it's not copyrighted ©
;what could you do with it except install our program?
(complete 0)
;(set @default-dest "WORK:")
; Texts
(set #Intro-Txt
(cat "\nWelcome to \n"
"the BeatBox2 v 2.55\n"
"Hard Disk Installation Script\n\n"
"BeatBox2 is designed and programmed by:\n\n"
"James L. Boyd\n"
"Curt Esser\n\n"
"Note: BeatBox2 requires 515,000 bytes of HD space "
"for a full installation"
(set #Locale-Txt
(cat "Check the Locale file(s) you want to install "
"in your SYS:Locale/ directory\n\n"
"NOTE: It is NOT necessary to do this.\n"
"Please read the Help section first"
(set #Locale-Help
(cat "This section will install the selected "
"Locale catalogs into your SYS:Locale/ directory.\n\n"
"It is NOT necessary to do this!\n\n"
"BeatBox2 will access the Locale files "
"from it's own directory, so there is really no need "
"to clutter up your Locale directory unless you "
"need to have them there for editing.\n\n"
(set #Warning-Txt
(cat "Warning !\n\n\n"
"ReqTools.library not found in SYS:Libs/\n\n\n"
"You MUST install ReqTools.library before running BeatBox2!"
(set #Path-Txt
(cat "Where would you like to Install BeatBox2?\n "
"A new directory will be created there"
(set #Path-Help
(cat "\nThis section lets you choose the "
"target directory to install BeatBox2. \n\n"
"A new directory named BeatBox2 will be created there\n\n\n"
(set #Type-Help
(cat "\nThis section lets you choose the "
"type of installation to be done.\n\n"
"If you don't have BeatBox2 installed on your "
"Hard Drive, or if you want to reset your "
"preferences to the defaults, select New Installation\n\n"
"If you already have BeatBox2 installed, select Update\n\n"
"Any projects you have created "
"or anything you have added to your BeatBox2 directory "
"will NOT be damaged by either installation\n\n"
(set #Copy-Help
(cat "In order for BeatBox2 to run properly, "
"you MUST install these files:\n\n"
" BeatBox2\n"
" BeatBox2.Prefs\n"
" Docs\n"
" Fonts\n\n"
"We also recommend installing:\n\n"
" Projects\n"
" Icons\n"
" Catalogs (if necessary)\n\n"
(set #CopyCat-Help
(cat "You only need these if you are using "
"a language other than English as your "
"Preferred Locale, "
"or if you use more than one Preferred Locale"
(set #Xtra-Txt
(cat "Select the Extras you would like installed")
(set #Xtra-Help
(cat "Projects: creates a drawer named Projects and "
"installs two example projects in it\n\n"
"Icons : installs a drawer with the Default Project "
"Icon (needed if you want your projects saved with an "
"icon attached) and some extra icons")
; Main ----------------------------
(message #Intro-Txt)
(IF (NOT (EXISTS "LIBS:reqtools.library"))
(message #Warning-Txt (all))
(complete 10)
; New install or Update ?
(set #InstallType
(cat "Select the type of Installation")
(set OldNew
(prompt #InstallType)
(help #Type-help)
"New Installation" ;Bit 0
"Update existing Installation") ;Bit 1
(default 0)
(if (= OldNew $01)
(set #Path-Txt
(cat "Where is your current BeatBox2 directory?\n ")
(if (= OldNew $01)
(set #Path-Help
(cat "Please indicate where your current "
"BeatBox2 directory is located\n\n"
(set target ; Where to install ?
(prompt #Path-Txt)
(help #Path-Help)
(default @default-dest)
(set @default-dest target)
(complete 20)
(set #Extras ;install extras ?
(set Xtra
(prompt #Xtra-Txt)
(help #Xtra-Help)
"Projects" ;Bit $01
"Icons") ;Bit $02
(complete 25)
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set #CatType ;copy catalogs to Locale: ?
(set Clog
(prompt #Locale-Txt)
(help #Locale-Help)
"English" ;Bit $01
"Français") ;Bit $02
(default 0)
(complete 30)
;---- Copy REQUIRED files ---
; - NO choice - these are all required
(prompt "Copying BeatBox2")
(source "BeatBox2")
(dest (tackon target "BeatBox2"))
(prompt "Copying BeatBox2.Prefs")
(source "BeatBox2.Prefs")
(dest (tackon target "BeatBox2"))
(prompt "Copying Fonts")
(source "fonts/")
(dest (tackon target "BeatBox2/fonts"))
(complete 40)
(prompt "Copying Docs")
(source "Docs/")
(dest (tackon target "BeatBox2/Docs"))
(EXISTS (tackon target "BeatBox2/BeatBox2.key")
(source "BeatBox2.key")
(dest (tackon target "BeatBox2/"))
;we need to remove any old catalog files!
(IF (EXISTS (tackon target "BeatBox2/catalogs/english/Beatbox2.catalog"))
(tackon target "BeatBox2/catalogs/english/BeatBox2.catalog")
(IF (EXISTS (tackon target "BeatBox2/catalogs/Français/BeatBox2.catalog"))
(tackon target "BeatBox2/catalogs/Français/BeatBox2.catalog")
(IF (EXISTS ( "SYS:Locale/catalogs/Français/BeatBox2.catalog"))
(IF (EXISTS ( "SYS:Locale/catalogs/english/BeatBox2.catalog"))
; -- Copy OPTIONAL Files --
(if (= Clog $00) ;skip this if they sent 'em to LOCALE:
(prompt "Copying Locale Catalogs")
(source "Catalogs/")
(dest (tackon target "BeatBox2/Catalogs"))
(help #CopyCat-Help)
(complete 50)
(if (bitand Xtra $01)
(prompt "Copying Projects")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Projects/")
(dest (tackon target "BeatBox2/Projects"))
(complete 60)
(if (bitand Xtra $02)
(prompt "Copying Icons")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Icons/")
(dest (tackon target "BeatBox2/Icons"))
(complete 70)
; -- copy catalogs to Locale: if desired
(if (bitand Clog $01)
(prompt "Copying English Locale")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "catalogs/English")
(dest "Locale:catalogs/English/")
(complete 80)
(if (bitand Clog $02)
(prompt "Copying Français Locale")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "catalogs/Français")
(dest "Locale:catalogs/Français")
(complete 90)
; -- OK, now the icons if necessary:
;the main drawer icon:
(EXISTS (tackon target "BeatBox2.info")
(source "installicons/BeatBox II.info")
(dest (target))
(newname "BeatBox2.info")
(complete 95)
;now the icons for inside the main drawer:
(= OldNew 0) ;only necessary on new install
(if (EXISTS (tackon target "BeatBox2/BeatBox2.Prefs"))
(source "installicons/BeatBox2.Prefs.info")
(dest (tackon target "BeatBox2"))
(= OldNew 0) ;only necessary on new install
(source "installicons/BeatBox2.info")
(dest (tackon target "BeatBox2"))
(= OldNew 0) ;only necessary on new install
(if (EXISTS (tackon target "BeatBox2/Icons/"))
(source "installicons/Icons.info")
(dest (tackon target "BeatBox2"))
(= OldNew 0) ;only necessary on new install
(if (EXISTS (tackon target "BeatBox2/Docs/"))
(source "installicons/Docs.info")
(dest (tackon target "BeatBox2"))
(= OldNew 0) ;only necessary on new install
(if (EXISTS (tackon target "BeatBox2/Projects/"))
(source "installicons/Projects.info")
(dest (tackon target "BeatBox2"))
(complete 100)
(exit "\n\nJames and Curt hope you enjoy BeatBox2\n\n"
"You will find BeatBox2 v2.55 in your\n\n"
(target)" directory\n\n"
"\n\nPlease read the docs!"